Surely you too ask yourself whether you should sell your pharmacy or not. The answer to this question involves a considerable mental struggle, however, many of your colleagues have decided to take this step before you.
Let us sum up the most common motivators for sale:
- Generation change: A group of customers who usually were involved in the privatisation of the Pharmacy Service and cannot find anyone in their family to continue in this business. These clients are at a retirement age, and want to fulfill their dreams with the profit.
- Fear of chain competition: A typical representative of this group is a highly-educated pharmacist who did not want to become a manager.
- Fear of health service development: Probably a common motivator of all groups. The health service in the Czech Republic is, and will be going through reforms. Their commong feature is the surface reduction of state payments and increased participation of patients.
- Opening of a new pharmacy nearby: This step puts many clients under considerable pressure, and not everyone is interested in competing.
If you choose our company, you have a high chance of a successful purchase or sale of your pharmacy.